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Kundalini Overview


What is Kundalini?


Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that means coil. Every human has Kundalini, however, in most humans the Kundalini lies dormant in the perineum, forming a 3½ circles coil. Although most people are not aware that the Kundalini exists, Kundalini is well-known by serious spiritual seekers. Most yoga traditions aim to awaken the Kundalini, because these yoga traditions believe that the Kundalini is the power that is required to attain the ultimate goal of spiritual achievement, the union with divine (Yoga). Yoga tradition here refers to the different spiritual paths that aim for Yoga (union with divine) as the final goal.


Traditionally, it is believed that after being awakened, Kundalini will be able to remove the knots of the major chakras, cleanse, open and develop the chakras until they are fully developed into full-blooming lotus forms. By the time the Kundalini finishes opening, cleansing and developing all of the chakras, the core of the Kundalini will reach the crown chakra, the chakra at the top of the head. This is the time you attain the highest spiritual achievement — Yoga.


However, it is not so easy for someone to attain Yoga. First, it is very hard to awaken the Kundalini. Some people have spent decades of dedicated practices without being able to awaken their Kundalini. It is believed that only a few were really able to awaken their Kundalini. For those who were lucky enough to have their Kundalini awakened, the cleansing process of the Kundalini would still have taken decades. Kundalini requires years to cleanse, open and develop a chakra completely, and the process is done from the base chakra upwards in sequential order. So, as the Kundalini starts at the lowest chakra and spends a few years at this base chakra, it will take decades before the Kundalini can start working on the crown chakra, the 7th chakra. In most cases, one will die before achieving the final goal of the process since the time required is too long. Even if the Kundalini reaches the crown chakra, although wonderful, is just the beginning of the real journey of the Kundalini.

What is Kundalini really for?


Many people get interested in Kundalini energy mainly due to its powerful energy that can give psychic powers. However, the psychic power from Kundalini is not what Kundalini is really for. The psychic power is a by-product of the Kundalini awakening process. In Reiki TUMMOâ„¢ practicing psychic powers is not recommended at all, because it will boost your ego and arrogance thus take you away from True Source. If the ultimate goal is to get closer to True Source and attain YOGA, then anything that takes you away from True Source is best avoided.  There are 3 main things that Kundalini is for:


  • To improve the cleansing process continuously. Once it is awakened, Kundalini will start doing the cleansing process 24 hours a day.

  • Energy that can cleanse and perfect the development of major chakras. Without the help of Kundalini energy, it is not easy to cleanse the inner part of your chakras.

  • To unite the practitioner (micro aspect) to the ONENESS (macro aspect) to be able to return to Divine Source as a whole. Kundalini energy provides the bridge to unite the practitioner with the Oneness.


Kundalini Awakening


People perform different exercises to prepare themselves for the Kundalini awakening. They may do special physical postures, controlled breathing exercises, meditation, chanting, etc to prepare themselves for the Kundalini awakening. Kundalini is a magnificent power, so that you have to be cleansed and pure enough before you are ready for its awakening. If you are not cleansed and pure enough and start working with Kundalini awakening, you will have serious problems and sickness after the Kundalini is awakened.


After preparing themselves for years, people will normally do special exercises to awaken their Kundalini. There were two very "common" techniques used in the past. The first one was called vase breath technique (kumbhaka in Sanskrit or rlung bumpacan in Tibetan). The other technique is called three locks or bandha traya. Those who were lucky and blessed enough may have gotten their Kundalini awakened after practicing one of these techniques for many years.


However, as the energy released from the Kundalini that has been awakened is so huge and unlimited, they may still experience different problems even though they may have done special preparations for years. So, the Kundalini awakening may not always be a pleasant experience.


Luckily, in this Age of Aquarius, or New Age, spiritual growth can be achieved much easier. As the Kundalini is also one of the most important factors for spiritual growth, Kundalini awakening can also be achieved much easier than in the past. Your Kundalini can be awakened instantly with the help of someone else. This method is called shaktipat and means energy transfer in Sanskrit. In this method someone uses her/his energy to help you awaken your Kundalini.

Different Stages of Kundalini Process


Traditionally, it is believed there are four different stages in the Kundalini process:


  • Awakening stage (Arambha)

  • Cleansing stage (Ghata)

  • Absorption stage (Parichaya)

  • Final stage (Nishpatti)


1. Awakening stage (Arambha): Technically speaking, the Kundalini is considered awakened when the shell of the Kundalini is broken and so is the knot of the base chakra, normally referred to as the Brahma knot as this knot is very close to the Kundalini center. The picture below show the location of Kundalini in the perineum, its shell and the Brahma knot.











The Kundalini Structure


2. Cleansing stage (Ghata): After the Kundalini energy opens the second big chakra knot at the heart chakra, the Vysnu knot, Kundalini energy can flow easier toward different parts of the body to do more thorough cleansing.


3. Absorption stage (Pacihaya): At this stage, the cleansing is done in different body layers.


4. Final stage (Nishpatti): When the Kundalini opens the third and last big chakra knot at the Ajna (third eye chakra), called the Rudra, the person is only one step away from getting the crown chakra opened. As the crown chakra opens, one will be able to achieve self realization, cosmic realization, and then Yoga.

Real Kundalini Process


The real Kundalini process is a little bit different from the traditional concept as described above. The four stages mentioned above are simply the "beginning" part. At the time the core of the Kundalini reaches the crown chakra, you will not be able to attain your self-realization easily. As the core of the Kundalini reaches your crown chakra, the divine chakra above you will start opening. Thus, the bigger part of your True Self that resides within this divine chakra will be able to descend into your heart chakra where another part of your True Self has been since your True Self entered your body. After the two parts of your True Self are united within your heart, then your True Self within you grows stronger. Then, it will take you through the different steps needed to attain your soul consciousness, and afterwards, your True Self Consciousness. But even when you have reached your True Self consciousness, there will still be many different levels before you can attain Yoga. The process in which the core of the Kundalini reaches your crown chakra is simply the starting point of the unification process. Attainment of Yoga means that you, as the micro, unite with the oneness (macro) and your True Self returns to the Source.


When discussing the Kundalini, be aware that there are different terminologies used to refer to the various parts of the Kundalini. Kundalini can be classified into three parts: the core, the fire, and the energy. As shown with this illustration below, the Core of the Kundalini is the Kundalini itself. The core of the Kundalini is the last part that moves. It can only move after the sushumna is open quite wide and is clean. The cleansing is actually done by the fire of the Kundalini. The fire is released/uncoiled energy from the Kundalini. Released energy from the Kundalini looks like fire and it cleanses by burning. The fire will burn all negativities and blockages in the energy body to cleanse your energy body. Burnt negativities and blockages are brought up and out from the body. If the crown chakra is already open, the energy will flow out through the crown chakra. In Reiki TUMMOâ„¢, this energy flows out around 1,5 meters to 2 meters (4,5 feet to 6 feet) from the crown chakra continuously. From this discussion you can have an idea of how much energy is flowing out continuously. This means that cleansing is being done on you 24 hours a day. So, once your Kundalini is awakened through Reiki TUMMOâ„¢ attunement (from Level 2) you will experience continuous cleansing 24/7 even if you are sleeping at night. In other words, when you awake in the morning, you are cleaner than before you sleep. This continuous and fast cleansing is intended to help your heart to open faster. 




















The Core, The Fire and The Energy of Kundalini


Is it Kundalini?


Nowadays, Kundalini is a hot topic. Many people are talking about and practicing the Kundalini. However, you have to be careful because not every movement of energy along your sushumna or the heat at the lower part of your body or energy in your crown chakra is Kundalini.


The energy moving along your sushumna can be another type of chi. For example, if you are channeling energy or drawing some Reiki symbols at the sushumna, you will feel some energy movement at your sushumna. If you draw the symbols or channel energy to the chakras along the sushumna, the sensation will last longer as you have stimulated the chakra and there will be a lot of activity around that area. Heat from the lower part of your body can also be caused by the activity of one of your chakras, or your Kundalini may be stimulated, but not awakened yet. When you try to check the energy on top of your head, be aware that your crown chakra is located there. So, when you check the energy on the top of your head, you will feel the energy of the crown chakra.


How can you know whether the energy you are feeling or sensing is really Kundalini energy? If your Kundalini is really awakened and the whole sushumna is already opened, you should be able to feel the energy around 1,5 meters to 2 meters (4,5 feet to 6 feet) above your head and you can feel that this energy sprays from the top of your head. If you make a cutting movement across the energy fountain, you can feel that you are cutting an upward flowing current. The best and most accurate way of checking your Kundalini is, of course, by using your Inner Heart. Only your Inner Heart knows the real truth. By using your Inner Heart, you will never get lost on your spiritual path.




Article extract out from Padmacahaya International Insititute for Inner Study, "Kundalini Overview"


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