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Free Usui Reiki Attunement


To help those who want to learn Reiki or to know about Reiki energy and its benefits by practicing Reiki but for some reasons can not attend the workshop or afford attunement cost, Padmacahaya, as part of its social services, has offered a Free Usui Reiki Level 1 Attunement since 2002. This free attunement is given distantly so you can receive it at your own place. Sometimes you can join Padmacahaya group practice in your area (if available) to receive the attunement and you can receive direct guidance from our senior alumni on how to do self healing right away after the attunement.


This free Usui Reiki attunement can be considered also as an introduction to Reiki TUMMO™. Please noted that this free attunement is not a Reiki TUMMO™attunement, it is Usui Reiki Level 1 attunement. In term of the attunement results, it is not the same as Reiki TUMMO™ attunement because the Usui Reiki attunements will only open upper half of your main energy channel/sushumna (from crown chakra to heart chakra) while Reiki TUMMO™ attunements will open the whole sushumna from crown chakra up to base chakra. However, this free Usui Reiki Level 1 attunement is passed remotely by Mr. Irmansyah Effendi, MSc. the founder of Reiki TUMMO™ by means of Reiki TUMMO™ attunement techniques, so the result is somehow better than traditional Usui Reiki attunement results. If you are a Reiki TUMMO™ alumni (already attended Reiki TUMMO™workshop), you will receive the attunement results as Reiki TUMMO™ Level 1 attunement results. 


For more detailed information about the difference between Usui Reiki and Reiki TUMMO™ attunement results, please see this illustration. For more detailed information about Reiki TUMMO™ You can also buy Reiki TUMMO™ book: "REIKI TUMMO: An Effective Technique For Health and Happiness" written by the founder of Reiki TUMMO™, Irmansyah Effendi, MSc.) at (ISBN: 979-98529-0-0). In that book you can also study how to do Self Healing based on Reiki TUMMO™  way that is quite different compared to other Reiki tradition way.


Distant Attunement Schedule


This attunement is given free of charge every 1st of each month at 6.30 PM Local time (yes, your own local time) and last for 15 minutes. You do not need to register in advance to receive this free distant attunement. Just be ready at our own place during the schedule. Please do not forget to do self healing afterwards for the best results.


Attunement Benefits


By receiving this free distant attunement, you will receive the following benefits:


  • Cleansing and opening of your crown, heart and palm chakras.

  • Cleansing and opening of your sushumna or main energy channel from crown chakra to the heart chakra.

  • Cleansing and opening of your hand energy channel to connect to your sushumna.

  • improving your connection to your heart.

  • Connecting you to Reiki Divine Energy Source so only by intention you can channel Reiki energy.

  • You can channel Reiki energy to help your self or others.


Distant Attunement Preparation

Please read the instructions below to prepare your self to receive the distant attunement. Also since the main benefit of the attunement is to help your heart get better connection to Divine Love and Light so your heart can be opened and cleansed better by Divine Love and Light, then we also recommend you to do Open Heart Prayer or Meditation daily before and after the attunement. In addition to the information below, you can follow this link to do Open Heart Prayer/Meditation. You can also learn about Open Heart Prayer or Meditation from this web site.


  1. You do not need to register to receive this free mass distant attunement of Usui Reiki Level 1. Just prepare your self at the day of the attunement (1stof each month). You can receive it as many times as you want. No negative side effect as Reiki energy is Divine Love energy that never harm anything.

  2. No need to adjust your local time any longer. The attunement has been programmed to be received every 1st of each month started at 6.30 PM YOUR OWN LOCAL TIME, where ever you are, for 15 minutes duration.

  3. Please study how to do Self Healing/Treatment with Reiki. You can find this in some web pages or in some Reiki books. You do need to do self healing right away after the attunement is finished to make good use of the attunement energy flow that is still working on you even though the attunement is over already. Please see Note below for suggested hand positions during self healing.

  4. On the attunement day, try to get a room where you will not be disturbed. The attunement will take about 15 minutes. It is best to have a room in which the light is not too bright. If possible, have new age music and incense or aroma therapy ready. Dim light and music will help you to get relaxed easily. The incense or aroma therapy will be needed to neutralize the negative energy that will come out of you during the attunement. Remember the attunement is also a cleansing process.

  5. About 30 minutes before the attunement, it is good to start doing simple and light exercises that move most parts of your body, but don't make yourself exhausted. Simply do exercise for about 30-60 seconds for each part of the body. This will help energy flow even better in your physical body layer.

  6. Since the attunement will help opening your heart connection to Divine energy, then for better result, we suggest you to do Open Heart Prayer/Meditation after doing simple exercises. That can be done about 15 minutes before the attunement. Please read more information on Open Heart Prayer/Meditation below.

  7. After the simple exercises and Open Heart Prayer/Meditation, get relaxed, dim the light, and turn the music on. Light incense before the attunement starts. Sit on a chair; try to keep your spine straight without forcing it. Make sure that your legs are not crossed and it is better if both feet are grounded. Put both of your hands on your thighs with your palms facing upwards. If you like, you can also have a short prayer asking Divine Source Blessing and protection for the attunement to happen. Please don't fall asleep during the attunement!  

  8. During the attunement, simply relax. Do not make any effort to concentrate. Do not practice any breathing technique. Try to be as still as possible and enjoy whatever happens. It is a good practice to always relaxed, smile at your heart and surrender to Divine Source of Love and Light during the attunement. Also be willing to open your heart to Divine Source to receive more Divine Love and Light during the attunement. It is all done by intention only and then relaxed, smile and enjoy the attunement process. DO NOT EXPECT anything to happen since this will make you not relaxed anymore  

  9. After the attunement you are welcome to do short gratitude prayer. Then do a complete self-healing directly. Take your time and do it properly and enjoy with smile and happy feeling from your heart all the time.

  10. After self-healing, try to do the same simple exercises you did before the attunement to help your physical body absorb Reiki energy better.

  11. Keep on doing self healing for at least 21 days. It is best to do it every day even after you pass the 21-days period to maintain your health and improve your energy. Also, since the main benefit of channeling Reiki energy is to open and cleanse your heart, then it is always better to do Open Heart Prayer/Meditation also every day to cleanse and keep your heart open better for Divine Love and Light.




  • Suggested hand positions for channeling Reiki energy during Self Healing are (3 minutes per position sequentially): FRONT OF THE BODY:Forehead/face, Cheeks, Throat, Upper chest, Lower chest, Stomach, Thighs, Knees, and Ankles. BACK OF THE BODY: Back of the head, Nape of the neck, Upper back, Lower back/waist, Buttocks, Back of thighs, Calves and Soles of the feet. Please read the book of "REIKI TUMMO: An Effective Technique For Health and Happiness" written by the founder of Reiki TUMMO™, Irmansyah Effendi, MSc.) for more detailed information on how to do self healing.

  • More detailed and complete techniques about doing healing and other Reiki techniques will be taught in Reiki TUMMO™ workshops. Get our latest workshops schedules and information from our Upcoming Workshops or your can leave us a message and our coordinators will get back to you soon...

(By Irmansyah Effendi)

Each time we have negative emotion, we leave or deposit negativities within our heart. How many time a day we have negative emotions, even though we do not show them.  To cleanse the heart further (bigger and deeper), the best way is to ask for blessing from the True Source of Love and Light.

Before you start this prayer, you may need to write down the name of the people you don't like (you need to forgive), and for what you need to ask for forgiveness. You can replace the terminology “True Source” with any other terminology which you are more comfortable with / can relate better to.

(Follow your feeling while praying)

1.    Touch your heart (Centre of your chest) with 1 or 2 fingers
2.    Close your eyes
3.    Relax
4.    Smile
5.    Smile to your heart sweetly and freely
6.    Feel the nice feeling from your heart, smile and stay within that nice feeling along the prayer
7.    Pray (from the heart with feeling and love):


1)    True Source, please bless our heart so that all arrogance be removed, to be replaced with Your Love and Light.

2)    True Source, please bless our heart so that all selfishness be removed, to be replaced with Your Love and Light.

3)    True Source, please bless our heart so that all anger be removed, to be replaced with Your Love and Light.

4)    True Source, please bless our heart so that all envy and jealousy be removed, to be replaced with Your Love and Light.

5)    True Source, please bless our heart so that all greediness and cunningness be removed, to be replaced with Your Love and Light.

6)    True Source, please bless our heart to understand that peace, calmness and joy are better than negative emotions.  We have to let go of all negative emotions toward others, so that You can bless our heart, to fill our heart with Your Love and Light, peace, calmness and joy.  Please bless and help us to be able to forgive everyone sincerely.
{Now, forgive everyone sincerely, although the same person has been doing the same negative things repeatedly and is still doing it. Remember that keeping negative emotion in you will simply give you pressure and burdens.}

7)    True Source, as we have forgiven everyone else, please bless our heart so that all hatred, sadness, resentment, disappointment and other negative emotions, be removed to be replaced with Your Love and Light.

8)    True   Source, please bless and help us to realize that You are All Loving and All Forgiving.  Please bless and help us to realize all of our mistakes, be remorseful, and ask for forgiveness.
{Now, realize all of your mistakes, be remorseful, and ask for forgiveness.}

9)    True Source, as You have forgiven all of our mistakes, please bless our heart and whole being so that all fear, worry, and burdens because of those mistakes, be removed to be replaced with Your Love and Light.

10)    True Source, please bless and help us to be able to stay within our heart, within Your Love and Light, to always be peaceful, calm, and joyful.

11)    True Source, thank You for all of Your blessing, Love and Light.

12)    Amen.



  • Since the most important benefit of Reiki attunement for our heart is to open and connecting our heart better to Divine Love and Light to cleanse our heart further, so for better results of Reiki attunement on your self and heart, it is suggested to do this Open Heart Prayer prior to receiving the attunement (say starting 2 weeks daily before the attunement) and every day after the attunement.

  • The Open Heart Prayer or Meditation CD in English language is available for purchase. Please click our CDbaby to purchase the CDs

  • More techniques and practices on opening and activating your heart can be learnt through Open Heart Workshop. For more information on Open Heart Workshop, please leave us a message. Our Coordinators will get back to you.




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Article extract out from Padmacahaya International Insititute for Inner Study "Free Usui Reiki Attunement"

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